We all want to believe that our existance is of some importance to the world. Its human nature to want to be important, whether its our ego's talking, or a want to be part of the good in the world, im not sure. What I ams sure of is the theory that everything happens for a reason, that the people we meet and the things we do will ultimately change our outcome.
I know its hard to believe, that that dork that we never talked to in elementry, or the popular girl who treated us like crap, could have an effect on who we are, but its true, and vice versa. What if you hadn't ignored that dork? By judging him without getting to know him first, you might have just missed out on the best guy you never knew you could have, or the best friend who would have been there for you forever. Maybe that shallow popular girl that treated you badly was just like that cause she was jealous of you. Maybe her life was going through some really rough patches, and all she needed was someone to knock through her tough fiscade, and help.
In today's society, we all lable and judge, whether we admit it or not. We take one look at a person, and think we know their entire life. And most of the time, our preconcieved notions are dead wrong. Im not innocent of this either. My worst habbit is letting my past experiences cloud future possibilities. For example, bad past relationships have made me think that all men are jerks, that none of them care about anything other then sex, and that no man will ever love me. I know that's not true since I have many good male friends, who are the exact opposite to my theory, but for some odd reason, I can't seem to change my mind. And not only does that effect me, my outlook on life, my self esteem, but it also pushes people away. And it's not fair to myself, or to them. The truth is that, as painful as it can be, we have to allow people to get close to us. We have to be willing to get to know someone before we discard them. And although we may never know how much we can ever really know someone, sometimes we just have to try.
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