Listening to Theory of a Deadman on full volume at 9:33 am in the morning, watching Mike try to fight off his hangover by drinking a couple more 'sners, waiting for morning coffee direct from the Lloyd Timmy Hoes, and drooling over the prospect of bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, toast, and sausage after 24 hours of only a few bites of food. (like i'm gonna ask for food at someones house!)
The stories one hear's in the morning are pretty interesting too. Jack went to bed relatively early, before Premonition was even over, and her and Peyton passed out in Mike's bed, where as Willey was half ass asleep on his bed behind the couch, while Mike, Steph, 'Mom' and 'Dad' were upstairs. I passed out on the couch watching the opening screen on the movie about 10 times before wandering upstairs to see where everyone/the blankets were. With no one insight, I went back downstairs and layed on the couch, no blanket, no pillow, just me (for which I got laughed at the next morning. Supposedly theirs tons of blankets around, and my being to shy to go bug anyone for one was funny xP atleast to Mike. Steph just shook her head and made a comment about Mike's poor hospitality skills). Apparently, none of our nights ended there.
Around 4 in the morning I awoke to Mike and Steph talking upstairs, and after passing out again, Mike apparently came down stairs to get some more 'sner. Story has it I looked at him with closed eyes as he asked what I was up to, and I refused to answer, just look in his general direction. Creepy...so he asked if I was gonna join them for a drink and I just kept looking in his general direction, no words uttered, before rolling over and facing the couch. The poor drunken boy didn't know what to make of me! (I was asleep so I claim no responsibility...hehe)
I wasn't the only one being anti social either, Jack was deciding to steal all the blankets and after several attempts to get them back, Mike just gave up. All this lead up and contributed to my awsome morning.
Peyton was the first to wake up with an amazingly sunny dispossition, and I woke up an hour later with Jackie on the foot of the couch, staring at me. Then we spent awhile trying to figure out how to wake Mike up, and we decided to walk towards him with Peyton and see if that helped. Not even 3 steps ouside the door, and he was up and talking. From there, Mom and Dad woke up, Willy started to revive, and Steph came downstairs. Theory of a Deadman was put into the Xbox 360, and stories of the night before, camping and cuddling, and dwi classes ensued. It was seriously the most fun I'd had in awhile. No inhibitions, just talking and having fun. It was nice... And to think, I had felt almost awkward at the idead of being here the day before.
It really is amazing how we find friends in the places we never thought to look, and how just being around them, can make a world of difference.
October 14th, 2007
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