I've been friends with Jess for a couple months tho, and he's been a really great friend, always there for me when i was having problems with my ex, and I was there for him when he needed it. He's always really funny and sweet. And today, we were both bored, so I suggested hanging out. So I decided to get ready, and head out to Nipawin. When i got there, Jess hadn't arrived yet, so I waited and worried for a couple minutes, about if I looked alright, what we would do, what this whole thing was. So many questions we're running through my head, so many different scenario's; and none of them were making me feel any beter. Once he got there, we introduced ourselves, and tried to decided what we wanted to do. Then he asked if i was hungry. (point one for it being a date)
Since, in my hurry to get ready and look okay, a task which took longer then intended, I had forgoten to eaten anything, so food was sounding pretty damn good. Enter the question, do I really want to eat infront of someone (aka. a cute guy) that I just met. Against my better judgement I asked where was good food, and he said venice house was the best, so we went. Of course, we get there and I realized that i'd forgotten my wallet in my car... Instead of going back for it, Jess volunteered to pay for it, and when I said I'd pay him back as soon as I got to the car, but he told me it was the least he could do and not to worry about it. (point two for being a date)
It was durring supper that things got kind o awkward, atleast in my books... Before I left Jackie's house to head to Nipawin, I was saying how his last name was familiar, how it would be funny if I was related to him. He may not have been my relative, but he sure was someones! You see, we were talking about our families, and he mentioned a cousin in the town my mother grew up in. Turns out, his cousin was one of my best friends, whom everyone confuses for my sister. To me, the idea this guy, a new friend of mine, was my other friends cousin. More nervous thoughts started to fill my head. What if he had a bad time and talked to Robin about it? What if she got mad at me and talked to him about me? All the questions were driving me crazy when another one came into my head; can our fear of not being perfect, keep us from missing the perfect moment?
After supper I asked what he wanted to do next, and he said we could either go for ice cream or something. I asked If we had time to start a movie, and after long consideration, he said we didnt have time, but there wasn't much else to do. (point one for a hanging out, and now I wasn't sure if it had even gone well on that note!) I suggested he could go to sleep, and we could hang out another time and he agreed. Strike two. But then, something I didnt expect happened, when we started driving it wasn't towards my car. Instead,
x. (side note from Peyton: 1Q~ 1 1qaW 32WZEDAFDFDDDDDDDD)
we ended up driving around Nipawin for the next hour and a half, seeing all the different spots, the train bridge, the dam, the park, and trying to determine if it was indeed bigger then home. The confusing part was that I was expecting to be droven to my car, instead, we drove straight past my car; 3 times. (point three for being a date) I guess if he'd had a bad time, he woulda dropped me off...right?
Later that night, once I got him, I got a IM asking if I'd gotten home alright. I replyed yes, although I was pretty tired, and he appoligized for keeping me out so late and driving around so long. Since then, I keep letting him say hi first, and he has.
- - - 5 days later - - -
After re-reading everything I wrote, I've come to anther conclusion. Women over think. Or atleast, I do. But no matter how much I think, the answers won't come to me. And so I'm wondering, what constitutes a date these days? And who is dateable? Where are the boundries? And, is dating a friends cousin to close for comfort??
[Aside: x. Peyton is my friend Jackie's 5 month old baby, and she wanted to write something for ya'll!]
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