You left me hanging from a thread we once swung from togetherI’ve lick my wounds but I can’t ever see them getting better
Something’s gotta change
Things cannot stay the same
Her hair was pressed against her face, her eyes were red with anger
Enraged by things unsaid and empty beds and bad behavior
Something’s gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh
I’m sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
It's beyond me, I cannot carry the weight of the heavy world
So goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
Goodnight, hope that things work out all right, yeah
Whoa The room was silent as we all tried so hard to remember
The way it feels to be alive
The day that he first met her
Something’s gotta change
Things cannot stay the same
You make me think of someone wonderful, but I can’t place her
I wake up every morning wishing one more time to face her
Something’s gotta change
It must be rearranged, oh
ry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl
Its sad when we come to the end of an era, and scary not knowing what will happen next. When friends say goodbye, and new oppertunities arise, I cant help but think; is it necessary to remove all the old, to enjoy the new?
My question comes after a weekend of changes, things I would have never seen coming, words I never thought I had the courage to think, let alone say. Early on in the weekend I tried to get ahold of one of my ex room mates, and after a couple times trying on the phone, she finally picked up. A friendly enough conversation ensued, but little things gave me an uncomfortable feeling, such as her questioning why I would want to meet her new boyfriend, and her refering to the apartment as her house, tho technically I was a tenant till the end of the month. After explaining that I was intereseted cause we were friends, and I wanted to meet who she was dating, we hung up, and aranged to meet a bit later. This did not work, and after trying to find the girls, we met at the mall, and I ended up giving them a ride home since they had run into car troubles. It amazed me how quickly snide comments and mistrust disapeared when in need.
Once I arrived home around nine that night, I encountered a rather upset father, who had just recieved a phone call from one of the girls mothers, wanting me to move my couch, bookshelves, and kitchen table out, incase a new room mate moved in. I promptly called their mother back and told her I respected her very much, and thanked her for her concern, but that her daughter needed to learn to talk to me instead of always going through a third party (first off with lara moving in, then when she was upset I didnt clean as much as she would have liked, and now this). Though this makes sense, I wonder, why couldnt the girls have told me this in the hour we were together?
Did the past 5-7 years of our friendship mean so little to them, that I didnt deserve to hear things straight from them?
If this is what best friends do to you, why would I bother?
My weekend hadn't started out any better either. Things between all of my friends have been on the rocks for some time, and this weekend seemed to be the weekend to all fall down. Another group of friends was being devided by rumours, assumptions, and accusations. One of my closest friends had been going out with another friend, and after their break up, rumours started to spread that he had cheated on her, not with one girl, but with two. Apparently this came from good sources, reliable ones, and my girl friend felt completley betrayed.. When I talked to the guy, he looked me in the eyes and swore it never happened, and I believe him. But the damage has already been done, and now being friends with this guy, could very well ruin the trust built up in my previous friendship.
Its sad that in the society we're living in, we will believe anything that's told to us. We assume the worst in people, and expect relationships to fail, despite the best of intentions. Cheating and lying have become common place, and the break up song has reached its peak in popularity. (Just listen to the top hits, and see how many are about heartbreak and betrayl. Or look at the divorce rates.)
What ever happened to trusting eachother completly? How do you know when someone is telling the truth? And When does it really matter?